2020-06-17 11:16:57 -04:00

45 lines
1.2 KiB

# Override these settings with your own
languageCode = "en-us"
baseURL = ""
copyright = "© {year}"
# The value "hugo-theme-codex" is only to get the exampleSite
# to work in this repo. Change to whatever name you gave the theme
# when you added it. If you followed the README, you should have
# added the theme using the name "codex".
theme = "hugo-theme-codex"
# This is only to get the exampleSite to work in this repo.
themesDir = "../../"
# Optional params
# Show Twitter icon linking to
twitter = "your-twitter-handle" # omit @
# Show Github icon linking to
github = "your-github-handle" # omit @
# This disables Hugo's default syntax highlighting in favor
# of prismjs. If you wish to use Hugo's default syntax highlighting
# over prismjs, remove this. You will also need to remove the prismjs
# vendor script in layouts/blog/single.html.
codeFences = false
# Controls the navigation
identifier = "about"
name = "about"
title = "About"
url = "/"
identifier = "blog"
name = "blog"
title = "Blog"
url = "/blog"