> [!WARNING] > Due to Twitter's complete decimation of its API, `twt` no longer works for most use cases and is thus not going to be maintained going forward. # twt [![Built with Garnix](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgarnix.io%2Fapi%2Fbadges%2Fmsfjarvis%2Ftwt%3Fbranch%3Dmain)](https://garnix.io) CLI tool to extract metadata from tweets ## Install Check out the [website](https://msfjarvis.github.io/twt/) ## Setup This tool requires Twitter consumer keys to function. Twitter is moving to [disallow free usage of the API](https://fxtwitter.com/twitterdev/status/1621026986784337922), so you will have to steal their own keys to work around this. `twt` picks up keys from `$CONFIG_DIR/twt/config.toml` (see [here](https://docs.rs/dirs/latest/dirs/fn.config_dir.html) for your platform's interpretation of `$CONFIG_DIR`) ```toml # config.toml consumer_key = "totally_real_key" consumer_key_secret = "h4xx0r" ``` ## Usage ### Get image links ``` twt images --username archillect ``` ### Get video links ``` twt videos --username imgur ``` ### Set the maximum tweets to check ``` twt images --username archillect --max-amount 512 ``` ### Get all links ``` twt links --username AITA_online --host bit.ly ``` For more help run: `twt -h`.