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Using Retrofit to disguise scraping as a REST API 2023-09-13T07:08:10.659Z We've all used Retrofit to interact with REST APIs for as long as we can remember, but what if there was no API? true

Square's Retrofit is best known for being the gold standard of REST clients in the JVM/Android ecosystem, but it's excellent API design also lends itself to great extensibility which we will leverage today.

While trying to implement post search functionality in Claw, my client I stumbled into a tiny problem: there was no API! has a web-based search but no equivalent mechanism via the JSON API I was using for doing everything else within the app.

The search page uses URL query parameters to specify the search term which made it quite easy to reliably construct a URL which would contain the posts we were interested in, and it looked something like this: /search?q={query}&what=stories&order=newest&page={page}.

Retrofit has a Converter API which lets users convert request/response bodies to and from their HTTP representations. We will leverage this to convert the raw HTML body we will receive from the search page into a list of LobstersPost objects.