Harsh Shandilya 79a87e5792 Add SDKMAN post
Signed-off-by: Harsh Shandilya <>
2020-08-31 22:08:22 +05:30

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+++ categories = ["tools-of-the-trade"] date = 2020-08-10 description = "Continuing this series, let's talk about fzf." slug = "tools-of-the-trade-fzf" socialImage = "uploads/tools-of-the-trade-fzf.webp" tags = ["fzf", "cli-tools", "tools-of-the-trade"] title = "Tools of the trade: fzf" +++

In the second post of this series, let's talk about fzf.

What is fzf?

In its simplest form, fzf is a fuzzy finder. It lets you search through files, folders, any line-based text using a simple fuzzy and/or regex backed system.

On-demand, fzf can also be super fancy.

Why do I use it?

Because fzf is a search tool, you can use it to find files and folders. My most common use-case for it is a simple bash function that goes like this:

# find-and-open, gedit? Sorry I'll just stop.
function fao() {
  local ARG;
  if [ -z "${ARG}" ]; then
    nano "$(fzf)";
    nano "$(fzf -q"${ARG}")";

It starts up a fzf session and then opens up the selected file in nano.

{{< asciinema gCwYg97C1NbRVgCUK0Dd1byVl >}}

By default, fzf is a full-screen tool and takes up the entire height of your terminal. I've restricted it to 40% of that, as it looks a bit nicer IMO. You can make more such changes by setting the FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS environment variable as described in the layout section of the fzf docs.

But that's not all! You can get real fancy with fzf.

For example, check out the output of fzf --preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --line-range :500 {}' here (a bit too wide to embed here :()

bat is a cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and other nifty features, and also a tool I use on the daily. We'll probably be covering it soon :)

You can also bind arbitrary keys to actions with relative ease.

{{< asciinema l7OPG4xQv5QVtvyxQfmly2eiE >}}

The syntax as evident, is pretty simple


The +abort there is optional, and signals fzf that we want to exit after running the command. Detailed instructions are available in the fzf README.

And that's it from me. Tweet at me at @MSF_Jarvis with any fancy fzf recipes you come up with!

This was part 2 of the Tools of the trade series.