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+++ categories = ["zig"] date = 2021-05-15 summary = "Onwards in our quest to learn Zig" slug = "learning-zig--day-2" tags = ["learn"] title = "Learning Zig - Day 2" +++

In the previous post I documented how I went about setting up my Zig environment, and it's now time to start learning things.

My preferred method of learning new languages is rebuilding an existing project in them, like I did when going from Python to Kotlin to Rust. For Zig, I've elected to rebuild my healthchecks-rs library. It's something I use on a day-to-day basis for keeping an eye on my backup jobs, and it would be a great addition to the ecosystem.

Getting the basics down

Among the resources enlisted on the Zig getting started page, I opted to go with for learning the ropes of the language. It is concise yet detailed, and the chapter-wise breakdown makes for great mental "checkpoints", much like the Rust book.

For this post I'm going through chapter 1.


I'm going to use this section to jot down my thoughts about Zig, broken down by the sections on ZigLearn. I'll skip the parts that I don't have anything to say on.


The presence of undefined is very interesting to me. It appears to be functionally identical to Rust's Default trait, as shown in this snippet (had to skip to structs for this since I was so curious about it).

const std = @import("std");

const Vec3 = struct {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    z: f32,

pub fn main() void {
    const inferred_constant: Vec3 = undefined;
    std.debug.print("Hello, {d}!\n", .{inferred_constant});

which prints:

➜ zig build run
Hello, Vec3{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0 }!

I have clearly not gotten very far yet, but initial thoughts here: Rust's trait-based implementation means I can customize the "default" values for my structs, which I'm not seeing in this implicit coercion yet. Guess we'll find out soon whether or not this can be handled explicitly :D


The syntax for array declarations is quite clear and explicit, which I like. Notably, while you can do this:

const implicitly_sized_array = [_]u8{}; // _ means "infer the size"

you cannot have an inferred size reference as the type:

const implicitly_sized_array[_]u8 = {};

Rust also disallows this, but the error is surprisingly worse than with Zig. Rust's resident diagnostics magician Esteban assures me this is a regression and is being tracked.

The only problem I encountered here was that I can't figure out how to print an array!

const implicitly_sized_array = [_]u8{0, 1, 2, 3};
std.debug.print("This is an array: {}\n", .{implicitly_sized_array});

// Outputs: "This is an array: "

I found a PR that overhauls formatting but nothing there gave me any pointers on why my code doesn't work. Hopefully this'll get cleared up later.


Nothing special here, aside from the early introduction to testing, which is slightly more pleasant than with Rust. I do however have qualms about the test output, which is unnecessarily noisy:

Test [2/2] test "while with continue expression"... expected 2080, found 10
/nix/store/nhd75c4sr3l9wlaspilkwawx5ixkn74w-zig-0.7.1/lib/zig/std/testing.zig:74:32: 0x206f9a in std.testing.expectEqual (test)
                std.debug.panic("expected {}, found {}", .{ expected, actual });
/home/msfjarvis/git-repos/zig-playground/src/main.zig:29:24: 0x205abd in test "while with continue expression" (test)
    testing.expectEqual(sum, 10);
/nix/store/nhd75c4sr3l9wlaspilkwawx5ixkn74w-zig-0.7.1/lib/zig/std/special/test_runner.zig:61:28: 0x22e161 in std.special.main (test)
        } else test_fn.func();
/nix/store/nhd75c4sr3l9wlaspilkwawx5ixkn74w-zig-0.7.1/lib/zig/std/start.zig:334:37: 0x20749d in std.start.posixCallMainAndExit (test)
            const result = root.main() catch |err| {
/nix/store/nhd75c4sr3l9wlaspilkwawx5ixkn74w-zig-0.7.1/lib/zig/std/start.zig:162:5: 0x2071d2 in std.start._start (test)
    @call(.{ .modifier = .never_inline }, posixCallMainAndExit, .{});
error: the following test command crashed:


The defer language feature is something I've always been curious about since seeing it in Go, so I'm excited to discover use-cases for it when I finally have it available. Through ZigLearn I discovered that defer calls can be stacked to be executed in LIFO order, and Golang does it in the exact same fashion.


I like how easy it is to define errors, but the syntax feels kinda icky. Having each error enum I declare 'magically' become a property on the error keyword doesn't sit right with me :(

const NumericError = error{};

fn mayError(shouldError: bool) anyerror!u32 {
    return if (shouldError)
        // This is different from what I'm accustomed to as a user of
        // Either/Result type monads.

Runtime Safety

Being able to turn off runtime safety features (like bounds checking) in specific blocks is pretty interesting! Not sure if I'll ever have a valid use for it though...


I like most of what I've seen so far in Zig. Aside from the issues I mentioned above, the lack of string type is a very confusing thing for me. I've kinda come to expect it everywhere based on my previous experiences with Python, Java, Kotlin, and Rust; but maybe I'll now learn to appreciate how every character on my screen is just numbers :D.

I was very easily distracted today, so I only made it a third of the way in 3 hours for a chapter that is supposed to take 1 hour for the whole thing. Hoping to finish it tomorrow!