
1.2 KiB

Due to Twitter's complete decimation of its API, twt no longer works for most use cases and is thus not going to be maintained going forward.

twt Built with Garnix

CLI tool to extract metadata from tweets


Check out the website


This tool requires Twitter consumer keys to function. Twitter is moving to disallow free usage of the API, so you will have to steal their own keys to work around this.

twt picks up keys from $CONFIG_DIR/twt/config.toml (see here for your platform's interpretation of $CONFIG_DIR)

# config.toml
consumer_key = "totally_real_key"
consumer_key_secret = "h4xx0r"


twt images --username archillect
twt videos --username imgur

Set the maximum tweets to check

twt images --username archillect --max-amount 512
twt links --username AITA_online --host

For more help run: twt -h.